Thursday, January 13, 2011

an ordinary day

It's been a day of small pleasures: waking up to a delightful text message exchange, engaging threads on my college friends' mailing list about personal finances and Chinese parenting (the former not related to the latter), productive meetings at work, making a near-perfect cup of coffee, a happy hour where my coworkers and I stayed for the entire 2 hours because of the interesting conversations we were having (rather than the usual awkward silences, staring at the TV, and leaving as soon as we could do so without being rude to each other), a fun class with good training in the evening, and last but definitely not least, a delicious dinner with wonderful and amazing friends.

I couldn't tell you that anything extraordinary happened today - a lot of these things have happened before and probably will happen again (I hope). But when all of these small and seemingly inconsequential events all align within a single day and keep the smile on my face going through every minute of it, I can't help but take notice and feel extremely blessed and grateful to every single person who touched my life today.

It was an ordinary day of the rarest kind.

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